How to reserve a class for your Child
Dear Parents,
This page will show you the best way to book a class for your child at our studio. Our system works best when each person has their own account. Your child's account will be linked to yours and you will be able to sign them up for classes while logged into your own account. If they already have an account that is linked to yours, go to Step Two.
Step One. Create an account for your child.
Step Two. Book a class for your child.
Step One. Create an account for your child:
1. Log into your account ---> My Account
2. From the Profile tab, click Add Family Member.
3. Enter the child's name.
4. Select the relationship Child of: [your name].
5. Choose Yes beside "Paid for by [your name]." This is necessary for the booking to work properly.
6. Enter the child's email address. We recommend providing an email address that you have access to, but is not the email address in your profile at the business.
7. Click Save.
Step Two. Book a class for your child
1. Click the Sign Up button for the child's class.
2. Click the Make a Single Reservation - [name of your child] button.
3. If required, purchase the drop in or class pass price option.
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